
Hema Muni

About me

I am a senior at Queens College studying computer science and enviornmental studies. I recently just finished my computer science major and now completing my general requirements and my minor courses.









Queens College
Aug 2019 - May 2023

Computer Science major and Evironmental Studies Minor

Work Experience

Research Student at Neanderthal Labs (Python)
August 2021 - Current

I've been collaborating with a professor from Columbia to collect data, format it into a readable format and move it into the cloud. We've been collecting data about an underwater volcano and at the end of August I will be going on a trip there with my professor to see it and help deploy the instrument that collects the data.

Summer Software Engineer Intern at JPMorgan Chase (Java)
June 2021 - August 2021

My partner and I developed REST API endpoints untilizing Spring framework as well as utilizing Mockito to test our endpoints.

Winter Software Engineer Intern at JPMorgan Chase (Python)
Jan 2021 - Jan 2021

My team and I parsed through a JSON file, using dictionaries and creating tests to test our Python Script. We documented our work for future software engineers to use.

Summer Teaching Assistant at Google CSSI (P5 JS)
July 2020 - July 2020

I was able to give assistance to groups, debugged their code and taught them best practices for debugging and coding.

Winter Software Engineer Intern at Kargo (HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Angular)
Jan 2020 - Jan 2020

My team and I used Angular to create a Single Page Application which detects unknown sources and checks their liability before using them as an advertisement. We were able to refactored code that wasn’t being used so that the architecture of the project is cleaner. I was in charge of the design and to develop the User Interface, routed web pages, and styled the components using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Extra Curriculars

Vice President of Queens College South Asian Student Association
March 2020 - Current

Our goal is to spread our traditions at our school and create a safe space for students.

Acadmeic Senate at Queens College Student Assoication
June 2022 - Current

As Acadmeic Senate, I make sure students voices are being heard when changing certain things in our school. Whether it's changing the food that Queens College has or incorporate more departments.

Chair of Lobbying/Advising at Queens College Student Assoication
June 2022 - Current

My job is to make sure that if a student feels like they are disrepected or their voice isn't being heard, I change that and make sure their voice is heard.

Student Ambassador at Queens College Student Assoication
March 2020 - Current

I take prespective students on a tour around the campus and tell them why they should attend Queens College as well as explain the programs and benefits of coming to Queens College.